Sandee Brooks, (District 7770 President Elect- 2016) spoke to the club about the history and the purpose of the Foundation. The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty. The outreach of international  programs such as improving  Water and Sanitation, Neo-Natal care and Polio Plus are but a few of the programs improving lives every day. It is hard to imagine that a program which began in 1917 with a $26.50 endowment from Arch Clump now exceeds “$1 Billion Dollars”. Bluffton Rotary’s fifteen year contribution to  the foundation totals $175,710.78. Take pride in knowing that District 7770 is number 1 in giving in our zone and ranked number 3 in giving in the world. The original goal of the Foundation to “just do good in the world”, has been rousing success.